HAC Complaints Policy

The HAC supports the right of people to raise any problems, concerns or complaints that they may have regarding the HAC’s facilities, services, personnel, policies, procedures or practices. HAC is committed to promptly and fairly resolving such issues in a conciliatory, non-threatening, respectful and confidential manner.

Information you provide about the service of staff and members will remain confidential but can be used to assist the HAC to improve its services. To make a complaint, please contact us either in person, by mail, phone, fax  or email.

Complaints process:

  1. A person can make either a formal or informal complaint using the following methods:
    • Verbal (in person, by phone)
    • In writing (letter, email, fax)
    • We encourage people to put formal complaints in writing to ensure that we have all of the facts and are not making assumptions about the complaint.
  2. The complaint will be managed by the Senior Project Officer, and all responses endorsed by the Manager.
  3. The complaint will be forwarded to the appropriate member of staff to investigate.  Complaints concerning the provision of services by Secretariat staff will be responded to by the Senior Project Officer in the first instance. Complaints concerning the provision of services by Committee members will be responded to by the Manager.
  4. If the member of staff is unable to respond to the complaint in a satisfactory manner, the matter will be forwarded to the Senior Project Officer or the Manager.
  5. If you are unhappy with the handling of your complaint, or you feel that your complaint was not dealt with satisfactorily, you can contact the NSW Ombudsman by calling (02) 9286 1000 or toll free on 1800 451 524.
  6. Complainants can expect to receive an acknowledgement of their complaint and timely advice on the progress of the response to their complaint, if it cannot be finalised within 14 calendar days.
  7. Complaints concerning the hearing process will be referred to the Chairperson that presided at the hearing. Complaints will be investigated in a way that allows both the complainant and staff or Committee members an opportunity to respond to the allegations made against them.
  8. Once a complaint has been investigated and the matter resolved, the outcome will be confirmed in writing and forwarded to the complainant. The complaint outcome will be managed by the Senior Project Officer or the Manager.

Commitment to the Resolution of Complaints

  • The process for resolving complaints will be open, honest, fair and confidential.
  • Anybody who has a grievance relating to HAC’s services has the right to complain and to have their concerns resolved.
  • The aggrieved person may seek the assistance of another person in lodging their complaint.
  • A response to a formal complaint will be made within 14 calendar days; however a complaint of a serious or potentially criminal nature (such as abuse or gross misconduct) will be actioned immediately. If the investigation and resolution is likely to extend beyond two weeks, the complainant will be advised in writing of the delay.
    • Where we are unable to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction, we will explain why and let you know what other option you have. Our objective is to resolve your complaint up front. If this is not possible, then you have the right to contact the NSW Ombudsman. Phone: 02 9286 1000; toll free (outside Sydney metro): 1800 451 524   Email: nswombo@ombo.nsw.gov.au, Web: www.ombo.nsw.gov.au

Contact the HAC

Street Address
Housing Appeals Committee
Office 5-6 Ground Floor
1-17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134

Postal Address
P.O. Box 1030
Burwood Westfield NSW 2134

Freecall:   1800 629 794
Phone:     (02) 8741 2555
Fax:          (02) 8741 2566
Email:       hac@facs.nsw.gov.au
Website:   www.hac.nsw.gov.au




A person assisting a client with a complaint or/and appeal.


A request for a review of a decision. The decision is made by the housing provider using a social housing policy and must relate to the person/client directly.


Any person who utilises our service (e.g. social housing tenants and applicants).


Dissatisfaction with the quality of service or the process (for example, timeframe to respond, behaviour of staff).

Formal complaint

Is when a person has a grievance that they want investigated and a formal response made to them.

Informal complaint

Is more of a comment, recommendation or smaller issue that does not require a response, e.g. someone just wants to air a concern and ensure that a member of staff is aware of the issue and that is brought to the attention of the Manager.


A person who lodges a complaint.

Housing Appeals

An independent agency that provides reviews of decisions made by the DCJ Housing and Community Housing Providers.